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Dengate Shop Fire
Welcome to the Dengate Family History Website, providing information for anyone interested in researching the name or finding out more about their Dengate / Dungate / D*ngate families. The website is currently undergoing a major overhaul, so please be patient with broken links, etc. At the moment it is the bare bones, with much more to be added in the coming months (only around 20% is currently online). So, please return!
Please use the various links above to navigate your way around the website. I would recommend beginning with the Introduction page or jumping straight into the Family Trees page. Alternatively, click on History to find out more about the origin, development and distribution of the name. Please check out the Copyright page before attempting to remove any material from this website.
Sign up at the bottom of the page to the monthly newsletter to receive updates on the website, featured biographies and the latest developments with the DNA project.
Finally, I very much welcome new information, photographs and material. Even if you just have a memory to share of some of the family I would love to hear from you!
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